Now, you maybe thinking that hooking up at websites that offer online sex hookups is a slamdunk. After all, you’ve seen all the ads. After all, you’ve seen all the sales copy that these websites show. The problem is there is quite a big difference between reality and hype. I’m not saying that it’s impossible to get pussy on these websites. That would be a ridiculous claim because guys fuck women from these websites every single day. In fact, there are many guys that fuck so much pussy that they’re drowning in pussy.
This may seem like an unqualified success story but actually it has a very dark underside. The sad part of this reality is that the vast majority of dudes that try to go to these websites for free sex hookups, leave empty-handed. That’s right! They just simply fail.
Well, you have to understand that every guy is different and if you want to be the dude who fucks pussy like it’s nobody’s business you need to act like a winner. And the reality is that guys who score at these types of websites act and become winners.
The good news is you don’t have to be born a winner. Now, you can be a complete and total loser. In fact, there might not even be much difference between you and a heaping, stinking pile of shit. The difference is however, your ability to learn. If you’re willing to learn then you’re no longer a pile of shit and you’re well on your way to becoming a winner.
So, what do you need to learn? First, you can’t, be shy. Shyness can payoff in certain social settings and in certain situations but, definitely not at online hookup sites. Get that shit out of the way! Even if you have a tough time reaching out to people, fuck that man! Just remember that you’re in front of a screen, nobody can see you. Get wild, go crazy! Just reach out to those chicks.
Second, they put in the work. You have to put in the time, man! I mean, it’s not like you’ve joined a website and all of a sudden all these chicks are beating a path to your inbox trying to fuck you. It doesn’t work that way. You have to put in the work. You have to put up the right profile, you have to write the right text, you have to message people the right way. You have to remember the old quote, "The harder I work, the luckier I get", definitely applies to online dating.